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Breast Reduction in Houston

Breast Reduction (Reduction Mammoplasty)

Breast Reduction HoustonHaving overly large breasts can be a source of great discomfort for women. On paper, large breasts may seem appealing, but in reality, they can be extremely uncomfortable and frustrating to deal with. It’s an embarrassing and uncomfortable situation that women all over have to live with every day.

This condition can adversely affect how women interact with the world around them. If you have disproportionally large breasts, you may experience physical and social issues. With a breast reduction, you can finally find comfort in your own skin.


A breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a procedure that can help reduce the size of disproportionally large breasts. During the procedure, your surgeon will remove excess skin, glandular tissue, and fatty tissue to reshape and reduce the volume of your breasts.

Breast reduction should be performed only after breast development has been completed. A small number of women will regain some breast volume after a breast reduction, especially with significant weight gain.


One of the main reasons why women choose to undergo a breast reduction procedure is for the functional benefits it can provide. If you have overly large breasts, there may be times when you experience pain, discomfort, and extreme breathlessness when performing even the simplest tasks. This can take a toll on your daily life and prevent you from doing things you love.

With a breast reduction, you can reduce the size of your breasts to make them more comfortable and proportionate to your body. It can also help improve your ability to take on activities that are physically taxing.


The benefits of a breast reduction can be life-changing. You’ll no longer have to avoid activities hat you enjoy, and you’ll have the added bonus of aesthetically pleasing breasts. A breast reduction can help you if:

  • You enjoy playing sports but your breasts make it impossible to play your best.
  • You want to wear clothes that fit your body better.
  • You want smaller, firmer, lighter, and more evenly proportioned breasts.

If you’re having problems dealing with your overly large breasts, a reduction can be the ideal solution for you.


Some insurance companies will pay for breast reduction surgery to relieve medical problems such as back and shoulder pain, skin irritation under the breasts, indentations in your shoulders and restriction of physical activity secondary to a patient’s large breasts. The insurance coverage also depends on the amount of breast tissue to be removed. Patients should contact their insurance companies prior to seeking a surgeon to find out if their surgery will be covered.

Breast Reduction requires general anesthesia. Surgery can last 1-2 hours.


All breast reduction procedures will begin with an evaluation to help determine the composition of your breasts. Your surgeon will analyze the amount of excess skin, fat tissue, and glandular tissue to determine the best course of action.

If your breasts contain mostly excess fatty tissue, your surgeon may perform liposuction along with a breast lift. A surgical incision will be required if there’s more glandular tissue present.

Before an incision is created, Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth will use general anesthesia. For patients who need a small reduction, the incision may be made in two concentric circles around the areola. For a moderate reduction, the incision will be a lollipop shape that extends down the breast crease. For larger reductions, an anchor-shaped incision will be made.

After the incision is made, excess skin, fatty tissue, and glandular tissue will be removed as necessary. The nipple-areolar complex can also be resized and repositioned to better match the new proportions of the breast. For extremely large breasts, the nipple-areolar complex may be temporarily detached and repositioned.


The amount of time it takes to recover from a breast reduction is directly impacted by the amount of tissue being removed. After surgery, patients will have a special dressing, which will stay on until the next morning. Patients may have pain and nausea for 24 hours after surgery. They will be given a prescription for pain medication before surgery.

After this initial post-operative visit, patients will wear a soft cotton jogging bra or runner bra. They may take a shower after 48 hours. Normal activities can be resumed immediately, and light exercise (walking) maybe resumed after two weeks.

Patients must remember that before they see the improvement they are expecting, they will go through a standard post-operative period of swelling and bruising. Their breasts will feel hard and tender, but this resolves in 2-3 weeks. Patients will, however, feel immediate relief from many of the physical discomforts they felt before surgery.

Stitch removal begins 10-14 days after surgery. Removing stitches is quick and uncomplicated.

Post-operative pictures will be taken at 1 year. Patients should remember to continue to perform self-breast exams and to have routine mammograms.

Breast Reduction Before and After

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Can breast reduction correct breast asymmetries?

Breast reduction surgery can correct breast asymmetries and also lift the breasts.

What are the benefits of breast reduction surgery?

Breast reductions will improve neck pain, shoulder pain, skin rashes, shoulder grooving, and posture. They also eliminate having to buy expensive bras and having to wear bigger shirt sizes.

Are most women happy with the results?

Yes. In fact, most women wonder why they did not have the surgery sooner.

When can I return to work?

Most women are back to work in two weeks.

When will the sutures be removed?

The sutures are usually removed in two weeks.

If you should have any other questions about this surgery, please call the office at 713-799-9999.

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