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Patients choose Juvéderm® to address signs of facial aging. This injectable fills in moderate and harsh wrinkles and restores lost volume, creating a more youthful appearance. Patients can learn more about Juvederm in Houston by contacting Bayview Plastic Surgery for a consultation.

Juvederm Bayview Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX

What Is Juvéderm®?

Juvéderm® is a filler that can be injected into target areas to create a new volume. It has an appearance and consistency that is similar to gel and can be used to correct or even augment certain spots.

Juvederm is an ideal dermal filler option for correction of the nasolabial folds, parentheses lines, perioral lip lines, and marionette lines. It can also be used as a lip filler to augment thin lips.

How Does Juvéderm® Work?

Juvederm is composed of hyaluronic acid. This substance is naturally found in the body. Hyaluronic acid, or HA, bonds with water molecules in the skin tissues to create a new volume.

When the Juvederm filler is injected into the target area on the patient’s face, it will add volume to the spot almost immediately. This will then result in expanding the skin in that specific region, which will make it look smoother and more youthful. The targets can include the lips, the cheeks, and the areas surrounding the patient’s nose and mouth.

Juvéderm® Before and After photo by Bayview Plastic Surgery in Houston, TX

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Am I a Good Candidate for Juvéderm®?

If a patient wants a visible reduction of signs of facial aging, they would be a good candidate for Juvederm treatments. They will get more out of the cosmetic correction if they are in good health and have realistic expectations.

For patients who are allergic to the substances in the filler, alternatives can potentially be provided. Regularly drinking or smoking too much can result in not getting the most out of the treatment.

Your Consultation

When patients come in for a consultation regarding Juvederm treatments, they will first be asked about their health and medical history. They will then be examined to see if their specific cosmetic concerns are viable targets for the treatment.

If there is a need to pair other treatments with Juvederm, this will be brought up during the consultation. It would be to the patient’s benefit to discuss any concerns at this time.

Your Juvéderm® Session

A Juvederm treatment will typically last for anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, which makes it possible for many patients to get it during their lunch break. It can also be done in the office since the fillers will only need to be injected into the target spots. Once this is done, patients can rest for a bit before walking right out the door.

After Your Treatment Session

It’s important to note that there is virtually no recovery period involved when dealing with Juvederm treatments. Patients come in, get the filler administered to the problem areas, and then return to their previous activities.

Happy as always! Botox and Juvederm for me and my husband by the best doctor! Cares about her patients and is honest and professional.
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How Much Does Juvéderm® Cost?

There are several factors that can affect the cost of a Juvederm treatment. The issues being treated and the number of injections required may affect the final price.

Schedule Your Consultation for Juvéderm®

Patients can schedule their consultation for a Juvederm treatment in Houston when they contact Bayview Plastic Surgery. Call now!


What are the different types of Juvederm fillers and their specific uses?

Juvederm encompasses a range of dermal fillers, each designed for specific applications to address various signs of aging and enhance facial aesthetics. The primary types include:

  • Juvederm Voluma: Specifically engineered for deep injection into the cheek area, Voluma aids in adding volume to aging cheeks, providing a more youthful appearance.
  • Juvederm Ultra: Ultra is tailored for contouring and volumizing the lips and perioral area, offering flexibility for subtle to dramatic enhancements.
  • Juvederm Volbella: Designed for the delicate lip area and fine lines around the mouth, Volbella subtly enhances lip volume and smooths perioral lines for a refined finish.
  • Juvederm Vollure: Vollure targets moderate to severe facial wrinkles and folds, such as nasolabial folds, providing a smooth and natural correction.

Each Juvederm product utilizes a unique formulation of hyaluronic acid to cater to specific areas and desired results, from smoothing fine lines to restoring volume loss in the cheeks.

How long do the results of Juvederm treatments last?

The longevity of Juvederm treatments varies depending on the specific product used, the area treated, and individual patient factors. Generally, results can last from 6 months to up to 2 years, depending on the type of product used. 

  • Juvederm Voluma may last up to 24 months when used in the cheek area, with a touch-up treatment potentially extending the effects.
  • Juvederm Ultra and Ultra Plus often provide results lasting up to 12 months in the lips.
  • Juvederm Volbella and Vollure can offer subtle enhancement and correction of wrinkles for up to 18 months.

Maintenance treatments are recommended to sustain the desired effect, with the frequency depending on the specific filler used and individual outcomes.

What areas of the face can be treated with Juvederm?

Juvederm fillers are versatile, and designed to enhance and rejuvenate multiple areas of the face by addressing:

  • Volume Loss: Specifically in the cheeks (with Voluma) and midface area, restoring youthful contours.
  • Lip Enhancement: Adding volume and definition to the lips (with Ultra and Volbella) and smoothing vertical lip lines.
  • Facial Wrinkles and Folds: Softening nasolabial folds, marionette lines, and other moderate to severe wrinkles (with Vollure and Ultra Plus).

Juvederm’s comprehensive range allows for tailored treatments to meet individual aesthetic goals, from smoothing fine lines to restoring facial volume.

Is a Juvederm treatment painful, and is anesthesia used?

While Juvederm injections involve minimal discomfort, measures are taken to ensure patient comfort throughout the procedure. Most Juvederm products contain lidocaine, a mild anesthetic, to reduce pain during the injection. Additionally, topical numbing creams or ice may be applied to the treatment area beforehand to further minimize discomfort. Patients typically report a brief, tolerable sensation during the injection, with the majority experiencing minimal pain.

What is the recovery process like after receiving Juvederm injections?

Post-treatment, patients can anticipate a swift recovery process with minimal downtime. Common side effects include temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection sites, which typically subside within a few days. Patients are advised to avoid strenuous activities, excessive heat, and sunlight for the first 24 hours to minimize swelling and bruising. Most individuals return to their normal activities immediately after treatment, making Juvederm a convenient option for those seeking aesthetic enhancements without significant interruption to their daily lives.

How does Juvederm differ from other dermal fillers like Restylane?

While both Juvederm and Restylane are hyaluronic acid-based fillers used to address wrinkles and loss of volume, key differences lie in their formulations and applications. Juvederm’s smooth consistency tends to provide a more natural feel and may be preferred for areas requiring subtle, smooth corrections, such as the lips and cheeks. Restylane, on the other hand, may offer a firmer texture, making it suitable for shaping and volume in areas like the nasolabial folds. The choice between Juvederm and Restylane will depend on the specific area being treated, desired outcomes, and the practitioner’s recommendation.

What should I expect during my first Juvederm treatment session?

During your first Juvederm session, Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth will assess your facial structure, discuss your aesthetic goals, and recommend the appropriate Juvederm product. The treatment area will be cleaned, and a topical anesthetic may be applied for comfort. The filler is then carefully injected into the targeted areas using a fine needle or cannula. The process is relatively quick, typically taking 15 to 60 minutes depending on the areas treated. After the injections, the practitioner may gently massage the area to ensure the even distribution of the filler. You’ll receive post-treatment instructions to maximize results and minimize side effects. Immediate improvements can often be seen, with full results developing over the following weeks.

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