Old age robs the skin of its elasticity. Dangling loose skin drags down a person’s appearance, often resulting in body-image issues. Loose excess skin is also a common issue for people who have recently lost a lot of weight.

To help people deal with loose sagging skin, we perform the body lift. Many people researching the body lift for themselves may be wondering if this procedure has long-lasting or permanent results.

The Body Lift: One Procedure, Numerous Benefits

A body lift is a series of body-contouring procedures that are combined in a single surgical session. It commonly focuses on contouring areas like the buttocks, thighs, hips, and abdomen.

This procedure removes sagging skin and unwanted pockets of fat from multiple areas of the body, along with stretch marks and cellulite. Surgeons performing the procedure focus on restructuring the body by toning the underlying tissues.

Preparing for Your Body Lift

To prepare for your body lift:
• Stop smoking and drinking at least a month before surgery.
• Follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly.
• Achieve and maintain a healthy weight for at least three months before the procedure.
• Stop taking certain medications.

What to Expect During the Body-Lift Procedure

At the start of your body lift, anesthesia is administered to ensure that the procedure is comfortable and free of any pain. Because multiple procedures are included, general anesthesia is the most likely anesthesia option for the procedure.

Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth will create tiny incisions across the lower abdomen, down the inner thighs, and around the waist. Through these incisions, extra fat and skin are removed. The underlying tissues are then tightened. At the end of the procedure, the incisions are closed with the help of surgical sutures.

Post-Surgical Care Instructions

Following your body-lift procedure, you will experience a period of downtime, during which you will recover and heal from the surgery. Once this period is complete, you will be able to show off your newly toned contours.

During your recovery period, you will need to wear post-surgical elastic compression garments. These garments help the skin better conform to its new contours and aid in controlling the bruising and swelling that naturally occur as a result of surgery. Ice packs can also help to treat bruising and swelling.

You will need to take time off from your job until you are cleared to return to work. The amount of time this will take depends on the exact lift procedures included in your body lift. Avoid strenuous activities for at least a couple of months in order to ensure that the still-healing tissues are not damaged.

Are the Results of a Body Lift Permanent?

The body lift is a permanent procedure. However, after the healing period is finished, patients opting for a body lift must maintain a healthy weight in order to maintain the quality of their results.

Women who plan to have children in the future may not be ideal candidates for the procedure, since giving birth will re-stretch the skin in the sagging areas.

Customize Your Body Lift

Because a body lift is a unique and different procedure for every patient, it will be important to come in and discuss the details of your procedure with an experienced medical professional. Dr. Hustak and Dr. Wentworth are skilled plastic surgeons who will be happy to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. Contact us to schedule your consultation.